søndag 16. oktober 2022

Atlantis - A myth?


What is Atlantis?

Atlantis is a myth and legend about an island kingdom that disappeared in the sea. Atlantis was name after Atlas, who was the first king of Atlantis. This Atlas was possibly the titan Atlas from the Greek mythology. Platon, the philosophist, was the first to write about Atlantis, and the source of the legend to survive. But it can possibly be made up by him also.

It has been discussed if This myth is true, and Atlantis have exited. But it is not cleared since non-have found a place to be truly said to be Atlantis. But many sunken cities have been found around the world, so the myth can hold some truth at least.

Explorers and researchers have searched most of the world for Atlantis. To mention some places, they have searched most of the Mediterranean Sea, since the myth is Greek it is natural to start search here. It has been searched for in Scandinavia, in the Caribbean, around in northern America and many other places.  

Erich von Däniken


Erich von Däniken

Erich von Däniken are one of the first to explore the “ancient alien” or “ancient astronaut” theory.

He is born in 1935 in Switzerland. He has written many books and been involved in many television shows. Most famous is the tv show “Ancient Aliens” on History Channel.

Scandinavian myths: the world of the vikings 1: Gods and creatures


Scandinavian myths: the world of the vikings 1: Gods and creatures

The Vikings lived in a strange and scary world. They had a lot of dangerous and strange creatures they had too watch out for. They had many gods. The gods in the Norse religions had similarities with does of the Greek and roman mythology. Odin was the king of the gods and was very wise, Thor was his son, and was extremely powerful and could control the thunder, Loki was more of an antigod. He tricked others, both gods and men, to gain what he wanted. He was just a halfgod, but could use magic. The Vikings had many more gods and many stories about them. Frey, Frigg,Tyr, Balder (Baldur), and  Magne, is worth mention.

In the world of the Vikings there was also jotner (jötunn) are a kind of giants, and are often the enemies of the gods. Many are stupid. But there are often evil. They are in some way similar to the trolls.
There was also elves, dwarfs and other creatures. Iinnorm was an evil creature that come from a tiny larva inside a nut, that could grow to an enormous size.

Travis Walton Experience


Travis Walton story

This is a short telling about the experience Travis Walton had. He claim to have been abducted by Extraterrestrials in 1975.

Travis Walton got abducted by aliens in November 1975, in Arizona. He and his fellow workers where working in a forest when they see an unidentified object close to them while they go in their truck.

The light from the object “beamed” Walton up in it. His co-workers become the witness to this event and could not believe what was going on.

Travis Walton was missing for several days. His co-workers go to the officials to report the happening and report him missing. They where by some accused to have killed Travis Walton the days he was missing. The police, volunteers and others search the forest the days he where missing, but with no trace of Walton.

In the days Travis Walton where missing, he where on board a craft where extraterrestrials or “aliens” did examining on him. He where in some room that looked like a hospital room.

Travis Walton told his story in his book “Fire in the Sky, the Walton Experience” (link below). It is also made a movie about the incident in 1993 called “Fire in the Sky”.

What do you believe? Did Travis Walton got Abducted by extraterrestrial creatures?




Most have heard about these creatures of darkness and evil, but what is really a vampire? Do they exist in real life?

In folklore the vampire is a creature that feeds from blood. They are not living, but not dead either. They were an undead. Most famous for vampires are the eastern Europa, and especially Romania and its province of Transylvania. The later from Bram Stokers novel “Dracula” and from Vlad Tapes, the former ruler of this area. But for most of the world there exist tales of similar creatures as the vampire.

Many believe that vampires where truly victims of different illnesses or diseases. Tuberculosis can often be similar to the reports of people that are told to be victims of a vampire. The tuberculosis patients often get whiter and more and more lacking of energy. That is similar to the symptoms of a victim from a vampire. All causes of anemia will also get similar results. White skin and less energy.

In modern times the Chupacabra is a new type of vampire. Chupacabra is a mystical creature that has been told about since ca. 1987, and with first witness rapport from ca. 1995. It is a creature or animal that sucks blood from goats, hens, and other small household animals. Some people also claim they have been attacked. The name means goatsucker in Spanish, and is a reference till the killing and sucking of blood. It started in Puerto Rico, and has been spread to rest of South and Central America and to USA. It has also been seen in Russia and in the Philippines.

The animal has many descriptions, but is often described as a doglike animal, but also with reptilian feats. Often seen with red, glowing eyes.

What is Chupacabra? The theories are many. Some say it is a runaway experiment, some say it is an extraterrestrial being, some say it is a demon. Also, that it can be a biological weapon has been suggested.

Other modern vampire phenomena, are claimed attacks of vampires. In the 1970 it was rapports of attacks in England. Same in 2005. Most now believe it is only urban legends.  In 2017 in Malawi, Africa there were six persons killed of a mob because they were claimed of being vampire. Similar event happen in 2002.

Other part of the modern vampire is people that choose to live like vampires do. It is often part of interest of more occult things.

 Hope you enjoyed my short text about vampires.

The Law of Attraction

 The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction become popular and main stream with the book and film “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne in 2006. But the believe in the Law of Attraction is much older. The term “Law of Attraction” was first used in print in 1877 by a Russian named Helena Blavatsky. But the idea is older and come from the New Thought movement in beginning of the 19th century. The philosophy has taken its ideas from New England trancendalism, hermeticism and from parts of the Bible and from hinduism. The idea has been taken into the New Age movement in the 20th century.

In the believe of Law of Attraction, the thoughts we have will shape our life and attract the things in our life. Both the good things, but also the bad, negative things. So, to be using this law, we must be careful what we think. If we focus on negative stuff, we will get more of that. If we think about good things, we will get more of that into our life. When we talk, think or write down the things we want, it will eventually come to us. We shape the world we live in. We can get the things we want or need. This is basically how the Law of Attraction work

fredag 14. oktober 2022

MystiqueWorld: AREA 51

MystiqueWorld: AREA 51:   Many say Area 51 is a base where the U.S. government have extraterrestrial technology and crashed UFOs and even dead or living extraterres...

MystiqueWorld: Scandinavian myths: Huldera

MystiqueWorld: Scandinavian myths: Huldera:  Huldera is a creature from the underworld that tricked kids and men down in to the underworld. She was a very beautiful maid, but she had a...

Scandinavian myths: Huldera

 Huldera is a creature from the underworld that tricked kids and men down in to the underworld. She was a very beautiful maid, but she had a tail, similar to the tail of a cow, that sometimes reveled who she truly are. In some stories she also could have horns if she got angry.

Huldera is an evil creature, and known in many places of Scandinavia. She lived in the forests and up in the Mountains. Nobody where safe from her spell

After effect of encounter with UFOs.


Some people who has encounter a UFO, have in the aftermath, experienced different physical and mental effects.
Wounds, effect of radiation, headache, confusion to mention some. I have search internet, read in books and watch TV to get information about this.

It seems that many get some physical effects if they get close to some of these crafts. We must assume they are crafts, so I use that term here.  
What is these Crafts? Are they from earth or from another planet or dimension? Why do they come here? Some claim they see beings inside or outside these crafts, but not in all cases. Other crafts the witness only see a bright light. Maybe they are not a craft at all. Some of the crafts and UFOs can be planes or experiment vicles

Mental effects also acquire.
Of course, many get scarred and confused by the experience, but some also seems to have amnesia or memoryloss. Also, some experience loss of time. They look at the clock and much time they can’t account.

It is also said that some get scanned physical and also a feeling of them being mind read. Telepathic experiences are also described.

Some also claim they get taken aboard the crafts and get experimented on. Some after meeting with UFOs on road or else, and some from home.

What is these experiences? Why do people experience this? Is it hallucinations?

will come back to this subject in a later post. Please give comment on this subject or share Your information about it



In Sweden and Norway, we have stories about trolls. They are creatures that lives in forests and mountains and often look like the environment surrounding them. They could be big and have plants growing on them. They disliked Christian symbolic and holy places.

They where often believed to be stupid, and easy to trick to get away from them. But they could be very evil and dangerous still. The trolls also feared the sun. they turned too stone if exposed to sunlight. Big, special looking rocks in nature was believed to be trolls turned too stones.

In many stories in Scandinavian folklore the trolls are often the bad guy. They exist not in the real, and we should be glad they don’t.



Many say Area 51 is a base where the U.S. government have extraterrestrial technology and crashed UFOs and even dead or living extraterrestrial creatures.

But can this be true?

People have asked this for a long time, and there is not easy to say what is realy true. But we know this base have and possibly still are a Place where CIA and the US Airforce develop and experiment with new types of air planes and other Technology. Some of it can possibly seem too be out of this world, because of the strange design like the fighter plane F 117.

The base has because of its strategic value and importance a high Level of security and silence surround the activity there. It is not so strange at a place where New technology for bringing the US military a advance in a future war or conflict.

Because of this it is not so strange People Wonder what happens inside this base. We know many planes have come from the work at this Place, like the U-2 spy planes during the Cold war.

Close too the area it where also testing of nuclear weapons and rocket during the 50 and 60ies. It was necessary to hold this technology secret from the soviet and others during the cold war, so the secret and security around the area was very natural at that time. The situation is probably the same today. The us government needs to keep some secrets to secure the country.

Hessdalen Norway

 It is a vally in norway that is hunted by light fenomena. The lights has varied and the fenomena has lasted for several decades. The fenomena last for long periodes a time, and one of the longest lasted between December 1981-far out in 1985.

Most of the watched part of the fenomena has been lights in the sky, both i day and during evening and night.

Some believe the lightfenomena are probably some sort of earthlight that often have been seen before or after earthquacke. But the fenomena has also been linked to UFOs.
Several Research Projects have study the fenomena.

torsdag 13. oktober 2022

Native americans and UFOs

 Many thinks there is a connection between UFOs and the Native Americans. 

It is not so unlikely. Many Groups and tribes of the Native Americans have stories and legends of People from the stars. They have many names on them depending of the tribe, but Star Brothers or Star People are common names. 

People have observed UFOs in and Close to reservation in the USA. Some have also see them land there.

Many think it can be because of the UFO can be safe from the US military force. The military cannot do anything inside a reservation without there be an emergency there. The UFO and its crew will be safer in the reservation than other Places in the USA, 

It is possible the Native Americans can have contact for many hundreds and perhaps thousands of years with extraterrestrials. It seems that many native Americans and others who have learned their ways of life, don’t seems to be afraid when UFOs are seen, or when extraterrestrials contact them. Maybe they have an understanding and know way the come to our planet. 

The Moon.....a spaceship?

 Some say the Moon is a arteficial made object, a spaceship or a satelite.

Thay say it is placed around our planet. Maybe to observe our planet. But who did? Most likely a extraterrestial civilisation if it is that way the moon come to existence.

Many followers of the ancient aliens theory and other speculate in this.

For a long time, flashes of light have been seen on the moons surface or from some craters. Nobody knows what does lights can be, but the theories are many. some say it is cities on the moon, others say it can be UFOs or something that reflects light. No good answer have come yet. There is no known volcanic activity on the Moon so it can not be that.

It is also some high, pilarshaped objects around the Moon that has no explanation. Could does have been build by someone?

Could this be true? That the Moon is arteficial? Who knows.

Scandinavian Myth: Nøkken

 The Nokken (Nøkken) ("ø" is a Norwegian and Scandinavian letter) is a creature that lives in ponds, lakes, slow rivers and so. It lures people to drown and is in most legends and adventures an evil being. It is one of the creatures from the underworld. It is often tought of as an elf creature.

Similar creatures are known in many areas in Europe. It has some area differences and also different ways of behave during the time. In New tales about it, it often plays on a violin to trick People close to the water. In older times it could discuse himself as a horse.

To Escape the nøkken you could just say his name. You could also trow steel into the water for protection.

First post Mystique World 2

 My first post for my New blog Reborn from my past blog with the same name.

This blog is about mysteries in the world and the universe. I will look at science and myths and adventures from around the world. i will Write about what i find intresting.

I want to seek out theories and hypotheses of the world also, from myths, and from scien
ence. I will look at what interests me, and what i think you as a Reader can like and be fascinated by.

Our world and the Cosmos is filled With mysteries and strange happenings, wierd stories and other interesting Things. We know only a small portion of everything. Like what is the UFOs and lights People all over the world see? does there exist a monster in Loch Ness? What about other Places? Many clame they have seen strange seacreatures and monsters all over the world. What New Things can the science do? Can we live on the moon or on Mars soon? Can we live forever? can we Cure all types of cancer soon? Do flying cars soon be comon?

The world is a strange Place and I allways be very fascinated of what mysteries it hides.

I hope you will enjoy my blog.

Love your life - Dare To Dream