fredag 14. oktober 2022

After effect of encounter with UFOs.


Some people who has encounter a UFO, have in the aftermath, experienced different physical and mental effects.
Wounds, effect of radiation, headache, confusion to mention some. I have search internet, read in books and watch TV to get information about this.

It seems that many get some physical effects if they get close to some of these crafts. We must assume they are crafts, so I use that term here.  
What is these Crafts? Are they from earth or from another planet or dimension? Why do they come here? Some claim they see beings inside or outside these crafts, but not in all cases. Other crafts the witness only see a bright light. Maybe they are not a craft at all. Some of the crafts and UFOs can be planes or experiment vicles

Mental effects also acquire.
Of course, many get scarred and confused by the experience, but some also seems to have amnesia or memoryloss. Also, some experience loss of time. They look at the clock and much time they can’t account.

It is also said that some get scanned physical and also a feeling of them being mind read. Telepathic experiences are also described.

Some also claim they get taken aboard the crafts and get experimented on. Some after meeting with UFOs on road or else, and some from home.

What is these experiences? Why do people experience this? Is it hallucinations?

will come back to this subject in a later post. Please give comment on this subject or share Your information about it

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