søndag 16. oktober 2022

Travis Walton Experience


Travis Walton story

This is a short telling about the experience Travis Walton had. He claim to have been abducted by Extraterrestrials in 1975.

Travis Walton got abducted by aliens in November 1975, in Arizona. He and his fellow workers where working in a forest when they see an unidentified object close to them while they go in their truck.

The light from the object “beamed” Walton up in it. His co-workers become the witness to this event and could not believe what was going on.

Travis Walton was missing for several days. His co-workers go to the officials to report the happening and report him missing. They where by some accused to have killed Travis Walton the days he was missing. The police, volunteers and others search the forest the days he where missing, but with no trace of Walton.

In the days Travis Walton where missing, he where on board a craft where extraterrestrials or “aliens” did examining on him. He where in some room that looked like a hospital room.

Travis Walton told his story in his book “Fire in the Sky, the Walton Experience” (link below). It is also made a movie about the incident in 1993 called “Fire in the Sky”.

What do you believe? Did Travis Walton got Abducted by extraterrestrial creatures?

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