tirsdag 10. januar 2023

The Flatwoods Monster


The Flatwoods Monster, also known as the "Braxton County Monster" or "the Phantom of Flatwoods," is a creature that was reportedly seen in the town of Flatwoods, West Virginia, United States, in September 1952. The creature is said to be about 10 feet tall, with a dark, spade-shaped head, glowing eyes, and a body that is described as being "like a shiny metal".


According to the reports, a group of local residents, including children, were out looking for a UFO that had crashed in the area when they saw the creature. They described it as having a red face with a pointed chin, and a green body covered in a shiny material. Some of the witnesses reported that the creature had a distinct smell, described as a combination of sulphur and gasoline.


The Flatwoods Monster quickly gained notoriety in the local media, with newspapers and magazines running stories about the sighting. The story was also picked up by national publications, and the creature became known across the country.


The Flatwoods Monster sighting is considered by many experts and ufologists as a classic example of a "high-strangeness" encounter, as it combines elements of UFO sightings and supernatural encounters. Some researchers and investigators have suggested that the creature was a misidentification of a barn owl, which can have a red face and pointed chin, as well as an unordinary appearance and movements which could explain the strange and "otherworldly" feel of the creature.


Despite the explanations, the incident continues to be of interest among ufologists and researchers of the paranormal, and some still consider it as an unexplained phenomena, and one of the most important sightings in the history of ufology. However, it is important to note that there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of the Flatwoods Monster, and the sighting remains a topic of speculation and debate.


In summary, The Flatwoods Monster is an unexplained creature that was reportedly seen in West Virginia in 1952, it has been described as a ten-foot-tall, green-skinned being with a spade-shaped head and glowing eyes, The event gained a lot of attention and it is considered as a classic example of a "high-strangeness" encounter, but it remains a topic of speculation and debate with no concrete evidence to support the existence of the creature.



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